Monday, 3 December 2012

Weight Training for Beginners

So you've been thinking about weight training for a while and you've taken the first step and started to do some research. There are many benefits to weight training, including increase in strength, improving your appearance, strengthening bones, controlling your weight and more.

Perhaps your reason is that you want to increase body mass, tighten up the midsection of your body or lose some body fat. Or maybe you just want to feel good? For many, feeling physically fit and strong is part of being a well-rounded, confident person. This is possible with weight training (resistance training), provided that you stay motivated and that you do it correctly.

There are three main types of training which I will briefly explain below in its simplest form:

1. Strength: basically this is if you want to get stronger. This is typically followed by a muscular endurance program or a hypertophy program.
2. Hypertrophy: this is for actual muscle size increases; for example if you want bigger arms or bigger legs etc.
3. Endurance: this would be for those who want to have better stamina; for those who want to be able to lift heavier for a longer period of time.

Below is a table explaining the intensity, weight, repetitions, recovery, sets and frequency for each type of training (note: 1 RM is the maximum weight you can lift in 1 repetition):

Load as % of 1 RM
1 - 5
6 - 12
Recovery between sets
3 – 5 minutes
1 – 2 minutes
30 – 60 seconds
Sets per exercise
2 - 6
3 - 6
2 - 3
Frequency per muscle group
1-2 x per week
1-2 x per week
2-3 x per week

The key to any successful weight training programs starts with learning the basics. Below are some important pointers to help you achieve your goals and also to prevent you from serious injuries.

Warm up & stretching

Warming up and stretching before any weight training exercises will help prepare your muscle for work. It will improve your flexibility so you will be able to perform exercises without injuring yourself. A good tip is to do 5 minutes of cardio (running, bike or elliptical) and about 10 minutes of stretching exercises.

Concentration and Breathing

To get the most out of your weight training exercises you should really focus on the primary muscles you are working on. Concentration on every rep/set of every lift will more effectively build your muscles. You must also make sure you are breathing properly as doing it correctly with allow you to lift more weights. Do not hold your breath! During the most strenuous part of the exercise you should exhale deeply though your mouth and then inhale through the noise.

Proper form

It is important that any exercise you do should be done correctly. Signs of poor technique include swinging of the weights, lifting too heavy a weight or straining in the face. If you are ever unsure about how an exercise is properly done, ask an instructor or someone who knows. It is better to lift less and do it correctly than to lift weights incorrectly. Proper form will help prevent injuries and make your weight training program more efficient!

Rest your muscles

Weight training regimes should allow for a rest the day after working a specific muscle group. This allows the healing and recovery time for the muscles to repair and grow. Muscle growth has peaked after 36 to 48 hours, and thus those training for muscle growth should train again at this point. You should never work the same muscle area 2 days in a row as this is not enough time for full recovery.

Progressive weight lifting

In order for muscles to grow you need to progressively lift heavier weights. Weight bearing exercises work on the progressive principle where muscle size, strength and endurance will only improve if the resistance is periodically increased.

Once you don’t feel muscle fatigue with your weight training exercises then you will need to lift heavier weights. You should consider changing your workout routine every 1-2 months or so to achieve maximum results.

Correct workout order

For beginners to weight training it is a good idea to train the larger part of you muscles first. Larger muscles (thighs, chest, and back) should be trained before smaller ones such as (biceps, triceps, and forearms). For example if you work your triceps or biceps first you may find that you will be too tired to work on your primary muscles such as the chest or back later.

I hope you have found this blog useful and that it has given you a basic understanding of weight training. Look out for my next blog: A guide to Sports Supplements

Rich Palmer PT
Personal Training Services Sutton Coldfield
“making your fitness goals a reality”

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

10 Ways to raise your Metabolism

      1) Lifting Weights

Training with weights boosts your metabolism in a number of ways. Weight training itself has been shown to increase exercise post oxygen consumption which means your metabolism may be raised for hours or even days after the session. 

As we know weight training is also the main way to stimulate the growth of muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is metabolically active, so it requires calories even when at rest. Muscle tissue also helps increase the number of fat-burning enzymes in your body.

2) Don’t Avoid Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are involved in the manufacture of hormones and repair of cell membranes in your body. With the right types of fats, your body can use these anabolically. These processes require energy, so the fats may actually increase your metabolism despite the added calories you are consuming! You can add fats to your diet without increasing calories simply by increasing the percentage of calories from fats and then lowering the percentage of calories from carbohydrates or protein.

3) Little Things Can Make a Difference

Believe it or not, simply changing some simple daily habits can have a huge impact on your metabolism. Try something simple like parking further away from your destination and walking there. Little extra efforts each day will increase your body’s energy and stamina.

Other activities that help boost your metabolism include standing instead of sitting, taking stairs instead of elevators, and even fidgeting!

4) Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are not the enemy. Using the right types of carbohydrates can be a valuable tool for your metabolism.

For example, you may expend more calories consuming 20 grams of carbohydrate from lentils than 20 grams of carbohydrate from sugar. The lentils contain fibre and other nutrients that the body must work to extract, and therefore expends more energy. Look for fibrous, low-glycemic carbs and focus on unprocessed carbohydrates.

5) Fluctuating calorie Intake

Zigzagging calories is by far one of the most effective methods for keeping your metabolism revved. Homeostasis is the action your body takes to “remain stable.” In other words, if you drop your calories, your body will try to slow your metabolism in order to keep things the same. By zigzagging calories, you may be able to prevent this mechanism.

Try zigzagging your calories day by day, so if your target is 2000, consume 1800 one day and then 2200 the next. You can also do this week by week.

6) Higher  Protein Intake

Protein requires a complex chemical conversion by your body in order to be used as fuel. It takes up to 30% of the calories you consume to use protein for energy.For example, 100 calories of protein may take up to 30 calories to process. Therefore, increasing the percentage of calories in your diet that come from protein may help raise your metabolism.

7) High Intensity Cardio

High intensity cardio, like weight training, takes you into the anaerobic zone of training. This creates what is known as “oxygen debt.” Even when you have concluded your exercise, the body is processing waste and recovering from the activity, helping to keep your metabolism high.

8) Eating Small Amounts More Often

Most bodybuilders are aware of this technique. Consuming food triggers digestion, and digestion requires calories. By eating smaller meals more frequently you continuously supply your body with nutrients while forcing it to digest and break down the foods. This will help to raise your metabolism.

9) Eat Whole Foods

The calories that you burn during digestion are due to the need for your body to break down the foods. When foods are processed, much of this work is done for you. For example, processed flour is ground into small pieces that the body can digest more quickly. This means your blood sugar rises faster and your body expends fewer calories processing the flour. Whole grains, on the other hand, pack more nutrients, are higher in fibre, and force the body to work harder to use them as energy.

10) Drinking Cold Water

Your body will expend more calories trying to raise cold water to the temperature of your body, but the exact amount is debatable. However, it makes sense that integrating this habit with the other habits listed above can contribute to the greater goal of raising your metabolism.

Look out for my next blog:  Weight Training for Beginners

Rich Palmer PT
“making your fitness goals a reality”

Saturday, 10 November 2012

NUTRITION: Micro-nutrients explained

Micro-nutrients are different from macro-nutrients because they are necessary only in very tiny amounts. However, micro-nutrients are essential for good health, and micro-nutrient deficiencies can cause serious health problems. Micro-nutrients are necessary for the healthy functioning of all your body's systems, from bone growth to brain function.
Micro-nutrients and their role
Micro-nutrients are what are commonly referred to as "vitamins and minerals." Micro-nutrients include such minerals as flouride, selenium, sodium, iodine, copper and zinc. They also include vitamins such as vitamin C, A, D, E and K, as well as the B-complex vitamins.
As mentioned, micronutrients are different from macronutrients as your body needs only very small quantities of them for survival. However, if your body doesn't get the small quantities of micronutrients that it requires, serious health problems can result.
Micronutrients are vital to the proper functioning of all of your body's systems. Sodium, for example, is responsible for maintaining the proper fluid balance in your body; it helps fluids pass through cell walls and helps regulate appropriate pH levels in your blood. Here are some of the ways that other micronutrients help maintain your body's systems:
  • Manganese promotes bone formation and energy production, and helps your body metabolize the macronutrients, protein, carbohydrate and fat.
  • Magnesium helps your heart maintain its normal rhythm. It helps your body convert glucose (blood sugar) into energy, and it is necessary for the metabolisation of the micronutrients calcium and vitamin C.
  • Iron helps your body produce red blood cells and lymphocytes.
  • Iodine helps your thyroid gland develop and function. It helps your body to metabolize fats, and promotes energy production and growth.
  • Chloride helps regulate water and electrolytes within your cells, as well as helping to maintain appropriate cellular pH.
Getting Enough Vitamins and Minerals
Getting enough micronutrients in your diet isn't hard. Eat a balanced diet including plenty of nuts, whole grains and green leafy vegetables. Eat plenty of colourful fruits and vegetables, like red cherries, purple grapes, yellow bananas and orange carrots. The more colourful your diet is the better.
It's easy to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eat fruit salads for dessert instead of sweets. Prepare your own homemade soups and salads, and include two or more vegetable side dishes with each meal.
Micronutrient Deficiency Disorders
Micronutrient deficiency can lead to some serious health problems. Here are some of the most common micronutrient deficiencies:
  • ·         Iodine deficiency is the world's foremost cause of brain damage. Iodine deficiency during pregnancy can result in stillbirth, miscarriage and irreversible mental retardation. Fortunately, it's easily prevented by the use of iodized salt.
  • ·         Vitamin A deficiency is a leading cause of blindness in children; in pregnant women it can cause night blindness and increases maternal mortality rates.
  • ·         Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency in the world. Over 30% of the world's population suffers from iron deficiency anemia.

Remember, try to ingest the proper amount of micronutrients to ensure optimal health and prevent deficiency disorders!

Look out for my next blog: 10 Ways to raise your Metabolism

Rich Palmer PT
Personal Trainer Services Sutton Coldfield
“making your fitness goals a reality

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

NUTRITION: Macro-nutrients explained


Macro-nutrients are the nutrients that provide calories or energy. Nutrients are substances needed for growth, metabolism and for other body functions. Since “macro” means large, macro-nutrients are nutrients needed in large amounts. There are three types of macro-nutrients:

  • Carbohydrate
  • Protein
  • Fat

While each of these macro-nutrients provides calories, the amount of calories that each one provides varies:

Carbohydrate provides 4 calories per gram.
Protein provides 4 calories per gram.
Fat provides 9 calories per gram.

This means that if you looked at the Nutrition Facts label of a product and it said 12 grams of carbohydrate, 0 grams of fat, and 0 grams of protein per serving, you would know that this food has about 48 calories per serving (12 grams carbohydrate multiplied by 4 calories for each gram of carbohydrate = 48 calories).

Besides carbohydrate, protein, and fat the only other substance that provides calories is alcohol. Alcohol provides 7 calories per gram. Alcohol, however, is not a macro-nutrient because we do not need it for survival.


Carbohydrates are the macro-nutrient that we need in the largest amounts. The general opinion is that between 45% and 65% of calories should come from carbohydrates. Why we need carbohydrates in our diet:

·         Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of fuel.
  • Carbohydrates are easily used by the body for energy.
  • All of the tissues and cells in our body can use glucose for energy.
  • Carbohydrates are needed for the central nervous system, the kidneys, the brain and the muscles (including the heart) to function properly.
  • Carbohydrates can be stored in the muscles and liver and later used for energy.
  • Carbohydrates are important in intestinal health and waste elimination.
  • Carbohydrates are mainly found in starchy foods (like grain and potatoes), fruits, milk, and yogurt. Other foods like vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and cottage cheese contain carbohydrates, but in lesser amounts.

Fibre refers to certain types of carbohydrates that our body cannot digest. These carbohydrates pass through the intestinal tract intact and help to move waste out of the body. Diets that are low in fibre have been shown to cause problems such as constipation and heamorrhoids and to increase the risk for certain types of cancers such as colon cancer. Diets high in fibre; however, have been shown to decrease risks for heart disease, obesity, and they help lower cholesterol. Foods high in fibre include fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products.


The general opinion is that between 10% and 35% of calories should come from protein. We need protein for the following reasons:

  • Growth (especially important for children, teens, and pregnant women)
  • Tissue repair
  • Immune function
  • Making essential hormones and enzymes
  • Energy when carbohydrate is not available
  • Preserving lean muscle mass

Protein is found in meats, poultry, fish, meat substitutes, cheese, milk, nuts, legumes, and in smaller quantities in starchy foods and vegetables.

When we eat these types of foods, our body breaks down the protein that they contain into amino acids (the building blocks of proteins). Some amino acids are essential which means that we need to get them from our diet, and others are nonessential which means that our body can make them. Protein that comes from animal sources contains all of the essential amino acids that we need. Plant sources of protein, on the other hand, do not contain all of the essential amino acids.


Although fats have received a bad reputation for causing weight gain, some fat is essential for survival. The general opinion is that between 20% and 35% of calories should come from fat. We need fat in our diet  for:

  • Normal growth and development
  • Energy (fat is the most concentrated source of energy)
  • Absorbing certain vitamins ( like vitamins A, D, E, K, and carotenoids)
  • Providing cushioning for the organs
  • Maintaining cell membranes
  • Providing taste, consistency, and stability to foods
Fat is found in meat, poultry, nuts, milk products, butters and margarine's  oils, lard, fish, grain products and salad dressings. There are three main types of fat, saturated fat, unsaturated fat, and trans fat. Saturated fat (found in foods like meat, butter, lard, and cream) and trans fat (found in baked goods, snack foods, fried foods, and margarine's  have been shown to increase your risk for heart disease. Replacing saturated and trans fat in your diet with unsaturated fat (found in foods like olive oil, avocados, nuts, and canola oil) has been shown decrease the risk of developing heart disease.

Although macro-nutrients are very important they are not the only things that we need for survival. Our bodies also need water (6-8 glasses a day) and micro-nutrients  Micro-nutrients are nutrients that our bodies need in smaller amounts, and include vitamins and minerals.

Look out for my next blog: Nutrition: Micro-nutrients explained

Rich Palmer PT
Personal Training Sutton Coldfield
“making your fitness goals a reality”

Monday, 29 October 2012

The Benefits of Exercise

Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. People that exercise on a regular basis are less likely to get ill and actually more likely to live longer. Becoming more physically active or exercising regularly not only makes you physically fitter, it actually helps improve your mental health and general sense of well being.

Regular exercise is the key to maintaining a healthy body weight but it is important that it is done using the correct techniques. This is where a personal trainer would be useful to help structure an exercise plan making sure it is executed using the correct techniques to keep you injury free. However you must remember that nutrition and hydration also play an important role. Eating the correct nutrients provides the fuel you need to exercise and drinking fluids helps to prevent dehydration.

Below highlights some of the health benefits associated with physical activity and regular exercise:

Heart Health

  • Exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Inactive people have almost double the risk of dying from heart disease compared to those that are active. Think about a change if you do not do any exercise at all!
  • High blood pressure (hypertension) is common in the UK and is likely to lead to a heart attack or stroke. Exercise can help to prevent high blood pressure and even reduce it if it is already too high
  • Exercise can help improve the balance of your cholesterol (LDL- "bad" cholesterol and HDL - "good" cholesterol). High levels of LDL (low density lipoproteins) and low levels of HDL (high density lipoprotein) increase your risk of heart disease. Regular exercise such as brisk walking or running is linked to higher levels of HDL.
Bones and Joints
  • You are more likely to have lower back pain if you don't do any exercise and exercise can help reduce back pain if you are already suffering  from it.
  • Regular exercise can help to treat and reduce the pain caused by osteoarthritis. This is the most common form of arthritis and exercising may actually prevent and slow down its progression.
  • Physical activity can increase bone mineral density in children and help to maintain strong bones in adolescents. it also slows down bone degeneration in later life helping to prevent osteoporosis. 
Chronic Diseases
  • You are less likely to develop certain cancers if you are physically active. Exercise protects against colon cancer, breast cancer and may also help prevent lung cancer.
  • Partaking in regular exercise can help to manage and prevent diabetes. Over 2 million people in the UK have diabetes and keeping active can actually help lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Mental Health and Well-being
  • Exercise can help both prevent and treat mental illness. It is suggested that regular physical activity could be as effective for treating depression as taking treatments or medicines, with fewer side-effects
  • Regular exercise can help deal with anxiety-related disorders, such as phobias, panic attacks or stress.
  • You are likely to feel happier, more satisfied with life and have an improved sense of well-being if you are physically active. Regular exercise will help you sleep better, lower your stress levels and boost your self-image.
  • Regular physical activity can help manage your weight. Physical activity burns up calories and so helps to create a healthy energy balance.
  • You are more likely to be obese if you are inactive and the more exercise you do, the more weight you will lose. However combining exercise with a healthy diet will mean you lose weight faster.
So as we can see their are many benefits to regular exercise. If you have a very inactive lifestyle then maybe its time to see where you can introduce some exercise into your life and start today. Maybe you find it hard to motivate yourself to do physical exercise, then maybe you need a PERSONAL TRAINER!

Look out for my next blog: Nutrition: Macro-nutrients explained

Rich Palmer PT
"making your fitness goals a reality"

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Getting that Right mindset to Exercise

Getting in shape is not that difficult a resolution to keep. You just have to set your mind into goal-mode, and exercise will come naturally to you. Here are five simple steps in order to get into the right mindset to work out regularly. Remember, exercise not only makes you look better, but it makes you feel better, as well.

1 Set Realistic Expectations

Before you actually begin your new workout routine, set a goal for yourself. What exactly do you want to achieve - weight loss, strength, muscle building, muscle toning or even just maintenance?

If you are new to exercise, do not overwhelm yourself. Try to stick to one small physical goal, and keep a list of objectives. When you set realistic expectations for yourself, you will be able to obtain them. Then, you may work on the more difficult objectives. It's that simple.

If you are considering joining a gym, many gyms have personal trainers available to help you set a goal for yourself. You can even get a personal trainer and train in the comfort of your own home. If you are uncertain about what you want to achieve, or even how to physically do so, a personal trainer would be the key to improving your mindset. They will give you that extra push that you sometimes need to remain focused.

2 Find a Fitness Buddy

With eight out of 10 people possessing the same healthy resolution to get in shape, it shouldn't be too difficult to find yourself a friend to work out with. Studies show that when you work out with a fitness partner, you are more motivated to your workout routine. Whether you are simply having more fun while working out with a friend, or you feel more competitive and push yourself to the limit to be the best, depends on your personality. Either way, having a friend right by your side proves beneficial.

3 It Does Not Matter What You Do...

… just do something! It does not matter if you cannot afford an expensive gym membership. Just because you do not have access to those state-of-the-art fitness machines, does not mean you cannot exercise efficiently. Exercise does not have to be formal. Run up and down your stairs 10 times a day. Take your dog outside for a jog, or even a quick jaunt, around the neighborhood. Anything that makes your heart beat faster and your body use oxygen more rapidly is a form of cardiovascular exercise. So, do not let anything discourage you from your ultimate fitness goals.

4 Eat Healthy

In order to become physically fit, working out is half the battle. You must eat a healthy diet to maintain a good fitness program. If you can afford it, consult a dietitian or personal trainer for nutritional advice. A good dietitian can tell you what foods to eat to compliment your workout and help you attain a leaner, healthy body. Remember, even though you may work out consistently, if you do not offer your body enough nourishment, all of your hard work will be for nothing. A body needs to eat healthy in order to properly receive the benefits of exercise.

5 Have Fun!

You are not alone! There are millions of others who want to exercise on a regular basis, but find it difficult to stay motivated or interested. As physical as exercise is, the first step to any kind of exercise is your mental state. It is important to remember that you exercise, not to torture yourself, but to make yourself feel good. So, do things that you enjoy. For example, yoga is a wonderful way to cleanse your mind and become fit at the same time. Or, join a five-a-side or netball league, and forget that you are actually exercising while having a great time! Also, free weights can be difficult to repeatedly lift, but think of that lovely burn you receive at the end.
If you begin your new workout routine with a negative attitude toward exercise, itself, you will not be able to work out regularly. Remind yourself that exercise can be fun. It feels awesome to work out.
Regular exercise has been associated with so many health benefits, it is surprising that not more people exercise on a daily basis. Studies show that exercise increase your life span, lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of various cancers, and even enhances your mood. Once you begin your exercise routine, you will notice that your body not only looks better, but you will also have more energy to do the things you love.
Look out for my next blog: The Benefits Of Exercise

Rich Palmer PT
Personal Training Sutton Coldfield
"making your fitness goals a reality"

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

HYDRATION – The key to a healthy lifestyle!

  1. We all know that water is good for us as over 60% of the body is made up of water. Many people know that they should be drinking plenty of water but find it a hard habit to form. People tend to avoid drinking water as they find it tasteless and boring to drink so they end up drinking coffee, tea, sodas and alcohol, amongst many other possibilities. Consequently, there is then not enough of a water intake and the body becomes dehydrated, which is not good at all for our health.

    As mentioned 60% of the adult body weight is made up of water. Water provides the right conditions for the function of all your bodily organs and it is important that lost water is replaced to maintain cell and blood structure. Water is lost from our bodies through urine, faeces, evaporation through the skin (sweat) and expired breath. Even without moving around or exercising we lose 2 – 2.5 litres per day via these routes.

    So it is extremely important that you replace any lost water and KEEP YOURSELF FULLY HYDRATED. Hydration is a vital key to a healthy lifestyle and here are 9 great reasons why you should be drinking water regularly throughout the day:

    1.      WEIGHT LOSS - Water is one of the best tools for weight loss, first of all because it often replaces high-calorie drinks like soda, juice or alcohol with a drink that doesn't have any calories. But it's also a great appetite suppressant, and often when we think we're hungry, we're actually just thirsty. Water has no fat, no calories, no carbs and no sugar. Drinking plenty of water can only help towards your weight-loss goals.

    2.      HEALTHY HEART - Drinking a good amount of water could lower your risks of a heart attack. A six-year study published on the 1st May 2002 in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that those who drink more than 5 glasses of water a day were 41% less likely to die from a heart attack than those who drank less than two glasses.

    3.      ENERGY - Being dehydrated can sap your energy and make you feel tired, even mild dehydration of as little as 1 or 2% of your body weight. If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated and this can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness and many other symptoms.

    4.      HEADACHE CURE - Another symptom of dehydration is headaches. In fact, often when we have headaches it's simply a matter of not drinking enough water. There are lots of other causes of headaches of course, but dehydration is a common one.

    5.      HEALTHY SKIN - Drinking water can clear up your skin and people often report a healthy glow after drinking water. It won't happen overnight, of course, but just a week of drinking a healthy amount of water can have good effects on your skin.

    6.      DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS - Our digestive systems need a good amount of water to digest food properly. Often water can help cure stomach acid problems, and water along with fibre can cure constipation (often a result of dehydration).

    7.      CLEANSING - Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body.

    8.      CANCER RISK - Related to the digestive system item above, drinking a healthy amount of water has also been found to reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45%. Drinking lots of water can also reduce the risk of bladder cancer by 50% and potentially reduce the risk of breast cancer.

    9.      BETTER EXERCISE - Being dehydrated can severely hamper your athletic activities, slowing you down and making it harder to lift weights. Exercise requires additional water, so be sure to hydrate before, during and after exercise.

    How much water should you drink?

    It depends on your bodyweight but as a general rule:
    ·         Inactive person: 2.0 to 2.5 litres per day
    ·         Active person: 4.0 to 4.5 litres per day

    So it is even more important to monitor your water intake if you are exercising regularly. Dehydration affects the building of body tissues, temperature regulation and metabolic rate. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, lack of concentration and constipation; and just 10% dehydration can be FATAL!

    Just remember folks, get into the habit of drinking plenty of water and STAY HYDRATED! Being hydrated really is the single most important factor to a healthier lifestyle.

    Rich Palmer PT
    Personal Trainer Sutton Coldfield
    “making your fitness goals a reality”

Friday, 21 September 2012

All about Rich Palmer PT

Hi, I’m Rich Palmer a 32 year old Personal Trainer from Sutton Coldfield.

Health & fitness is my passion and I have been regularly training in gyms for over 15 years. I am now focusing on sharing all I’ve learnt over those years with likeminded individuals who I can help avoid some of the ‘exercise pitfalls’ that are common amongst those who are starting out on a new fitness regime, from my first hand experience I know that doing it on your own can be a long, hard and often frustrating road.

“making your fitness goals a reality”

I too often hear about PT’s who spend an hour a week with their clients, put them through an unnecessarily rigorous hour of training and then say goodbye until next week. I truly believe that Personal Training is about more than that and I will make myself available to you 24/7, your goals are my goals and I will not leave you high and dry to make it on your own.

By choosing a Rich Palmer PT plan you will be getting:
  • -       A fun, friendly but focused Personal Trainer who puts your needs at the heart of your programme.
  • -       A FREE initial consultation where I will take the time to get to know about YOU and YOUR fitness goals.
  • -       A Body MOT which will measure your heart rate, weight, BMI, Body Fat and Measurements in order to set specific, measurable, timed and realistic goals. This will be visible to you and continuous throughout your plan so you can see the changes (other than the obvious physical ones) that you will be making to your body.
  • -       A Training plan that can be completed in your home, garage, garden, gym, local park... basically wherever and whenever is convenient to you and your lifestyle.
  • -       Help, guidance and advice on diet and nutrition. An important factor in all types of training is nutrition and together we will work to find the right balance of training and nutrition that suits your individual lifestyle.
  • -       Tips on how best to keep up your programme outside of your Rich Palmer PT session.
  • -       Regular updates to your training programme to ensure you continue to get results, as your body starts to change you will only continue to see results if your programme changes with it and I will work hard to ensure you never become bored with your programme or feel that your results are becoming stagnant.

Whatever your fitness goals and needs I will help you achieve them, all I ask is if I’m putting in 100% you’re putting in 100%, together we can achieve the results you have always dreamed of.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions via phone, email, facebook or twitter and I will be more than happy to help. By choosing me as your Personal Trainer I will offer you all the support and motivation you need in order to reach your goals.

I look forward to helping you make the first steps to a fitter and healthier lifestyle.

Rich Palmer PT

“making your fitness goals a reality”